Business Advisory Services Bucks – Effective & flexible business optimisation solutions from a proven industry professional!
Business Advisory Services Bucks – Helping SME business owners in Bucks to optimise and fast-track business growth.
Stuart Who? With over three decades of business development experience in both corporate and SME market sectors, Stuart has acquired a wealth of first-hand experience, knowledge and expertise. Working in various senior management roles he has spearheaded sales & marketing for a number of major UK and international businesses. He has negotiated and project managed hundreds of major contracts with corporate giants such as: British Telecom, BBC, ITV, Virgin Media and many other well-known brands. Stuart has also previously managed and developed national account sales teams for an international technology manufacturer and direct reseller, consistently generating multi-million-pound revenues for well over a decade. He’s therefore able to offer SME business owners a diverse range of skills and commercial perspective, gained from 30+ years hands-on experience!
Keeping it nice and simple! – Business Advisory Services Bucks
Life’s complicated enough when you are trying to run a business, so the solutions we provide are specifically designed to keep things nice and simple! Our SME business clients want effective and affordable solutions to specific business challenges they may be facing. Hence, its key that we listen carefully to the client to fully understand such specific challenges, so that the right advice and solution can be provided. It’s then about creating a measurable plan of action (what, how, who, by when etc.) that is carefully monitored and regularly reviewed.
“I just apply the same advanced sales, marketing, management, business development etc, systems that I have successfully used in both corporate and SME enterprise for the past 35+ years, but now to benefit local SME’s in Bucks”.
Such systems and techniques have been carefully developed over many decades by world leading business psychologists, business schools (such as Harvard), personal development experts, and even FBI hostage negotiation experts. These systems and techniques have enabled me to leverage many tens of millions of pounds in commercial sales over recent decades. Applying the same proven systems and techniques can drive similar outcomes for your SME business ‘IF’ you are truly committed to making your business a success!
Direct in-person support for faster results!
Unlike many business advisors who try to deal with each client on a ‘Zoom’ conference call, we know how important it is to work with clients on a one to one basis. Hence, we are of the view that if a client is paying for your time and professional advice, then you should take the trouble to support them in person whenever reasonably possible.
Hence, we have found that direct interactive consultation is far more productive for SME clients and their business. That’s not to say we don’t take advantage of ‘Zoom’ video conferencing technology when it’s appropriate, because we do. However, a large proportion of our client time is specifically on a one to one basis, to ensure we quickly identify any areas of weakness, in order to provide robust solutions that deliver fast and effective results.
It’s tough for any business at the moment, especially when you are an SME. Typically, everyone is competing for the same customers via online (SEO), social media, direct mail etc. Hence, why it’s so essential to maximise your chances of engaging each and every new prospect. This is especially important with today’s fast moving internet / social media / click-now culture.
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