Sales Management Coaching – Bucks (UK) – Getting the best out of your sales team!
Sales Management Coaching – Bucks – Your sales team forms a critical driving force for your SME business! Knowing how to properly develop and optimise your team is therefore essential for the ongoing growth and success of your business. Think of your team for a moment as a powerful V12 engine! If you want to develop maximum power and performance, then everything needs to be set up correctly and then carefully tuned on a regular basis. Much like a combustion engine needs the perfect mix of fuel and air, combined with the right ignition timing and spark to generate optimal performance, individual sales team members also need the right tuning to achieve optimal performance.
However, when it comes to motivating and optimising a sales team, one size does not fit all! Understanding that every team member is different is only the first essential step in sales team optimisation, but this is a crucial factor not to be overlooked if you want to avoid the 80/20 Sales Rule (See below).
Of course, each team member also needs to be proficient on the many other sales disciplines such as: Pre-Sales Prep, knowing your product or service inside out, pitching techniques, understanding voice tone and pace, body language skills, asking calibrated questions to quickly identify customer needs (or quickly identifying no need! – time is money!), learning to listen carefully to customer answers and then steer the conversation, presenting skills, customer demos, overcoming objections, negotiation, closing, quoting, follow up, after sales care and why it’s so important for repeat business, follow up referral sales, etc), and we have only just scrapped the surface! BUT, and it’s a big but, it’s amazing how just applying even some of this stuff will make a huge difference to your sales closure rate and bottom line!
There’s so much that you can do to stack the sales odds in your favour ‘IF‘ you know how!
Optimise your sales team and turn them into ‘Sales Superhero’s!’
Understanding the 80/20 sales rule! – Getting your sales team fully optimised (Sales Tuning!).
“If there’s one thing that has always remained constant in my long sales management career, it’s understanding the 80/20 sales rule! Let me explain!”.
This rule says that 80% of sales tend to be done by only 20% of your sales force. In other words, it’s your top 20% who do most of the sales revenue for your business. However, it’s really important to understand that the majority of people in the bottom 80% really want to be in the top 20% (the sales elite club), but usually just don’t know how to get there. Therefore, imagine the positive effect on your business if we can move certain members from your lower 80% into your top 20%! Well we’re very confident we can!
I learnt early on in my sales career (thank you Brian Tracy) about a thing called causality, which is one of the basic laws of the universe. It says that everything happens for a reason (the cause), and if you can accurately identify a cause and repeat it, you will end up with the same or a very similar result. This is also referred to as ‘SPECIFIC INPUT = SPECIFIC OUTPUT’. I.e., if you want the output to change, then you just need to focus on applying the right input’s.
Think of this as suddenly being able to steer your entire sales teams success through careful inputs , monitoring and correction (Sales Tuning). Additionally, it’s important to understand that true sales skill excellence can be learn’t by almost anyone, IF the right one-to-one coaching is applied.
Sales Management Coaching – Bucks
Get in touch today to take full control over your SME sales
Please use the below ‘Quick Contact Form’ to contact us about any SME business optimisation questions or needs you may have, or to arrange a ‘FREE Initial Consultation’. We look forward to hearing from you.
Polite Notice: The above ‘Quick Contact Form’ is for customer inquiries only. Companies using this form to solicit products or services will NOT be responded to.